Monday, March 23, 2015

Meet Milo.

Okay so I am going to be one of "those" people for a minute. Because it's National Puppy Day I thought it was only fitting that you meet Milo. So I need to preface this by saying that I have never been a dog person and up until a year and a half ago I thought I would be perfectly content to live my whole life without a pet. Well that changed so quickly and now I could never imagine my life without him. Here are a few of my favorite things about my little guy, Milo.

1. He is the most loving thing on the planet. He picks up on my mood so fast and if I am ever feeling down he knows to just lay in my lap and snuggle. It's the greatest. Also he always wants me to keep my hand on him when we go to sleep. (So sweet)
2. His middle name is Zac Efron and he's totally okay with it.
3. He is scared to death of our living room lamp.
4. He loves Chipotle chips almost as much as I love their tacos.
5. He chews up Menchies spoons. Not important things.
6. He still squats when he tinkles.
7. He wears a tag with flowers on it and doesn't even mind.
8. He acts really tough around dogs that could eat him in one bite.
9. He lets me brush his teeth with children's toothpaste and doesn't mind that I only buy him clearance treats.
10. He loves unconditionally and is happy to see me and Kate EVERYDAY! 

I love my little Meehow.

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