Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Happy Tears

It always amazes me how difficult change can be sometimes. I think that all of us will hit some point in our lives where we have to almost go all the way down to our core and figure out who we really are and what we really believe. I think that it's so important because that is how we become the person that we truly want to be. That being said, if any of you have experienced this you'll know that it's definitely not the easiest thing in the world. For me it has definitely caused stress, insecurity, loneliness, and just plain sadness. BUT there is always hope and things will always get better. It's a great feeling when you can start looking back and see you grow and become stronger.
 After I moved and was putting all my things away I came across this little note my sweet brother Christian wrote to me after I had a rough night a few months ago. As I read it again I could not believe how much those simple words meant to me and how they were just what I needed to hear that day. It was one of those moments where you feel so much love in your heart, happy tears just come. I felt so blessed to have such a sweet person in my life that made me feel so loved. This little note means more to me than he will ever know and reminds me every day that it really is the small things that matter most. Today I'm just really grateful for those moments of happy tears.

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