Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Happy Tears

It always amazes me how difficult change can be sometimes. I think that all of us will hit some point in our lives where we have to almost go all the way down to our core and figure out who we really are and what we really believe. I think that it's so important because that is how we become the person that we truly want to be. That being said, if any of you have experienced this you'll know that it's definitely not the easiest thing in the world. For me it has definitely caused stress, insecurity, loneliness, and just plain sadness. BUT there is always hope and things will always get better. It's a great feeling when you can start looking back and see you grow and become stronger.
 After I moved and was putting all my things away I came across this little note my sweet brother Christian wrote to me after I had a rough night a few months ago. As I read it again I could not believe how much those simple words meant to me and how they were just what I needed to hear that day. It was one of those moments where you feel so much love in your heart, happy tears just come. I felt so blessed to have such a sweet person in my life that made me feel so loved. This little note means more to me than he will ever know and reminds me every day that it really is the small things that matter most. Today I'm just really grateful for those moments of happy tears.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Dry Shampoo Trick That Will Change Your Life

So have any of you had one of those mornings like I have, when you wake up and don't even want to think about having to shower, then dry and style your hair.  It's like my hair is so oily it looks wet already but I decide to live with the consequences, then fully regret that decision every time I catch my reflection. Well I discovered something that changed my life. Dry shampoo. When I was in my lovely Junior High years I was an avid baby powder user and thank goodness I got off that stuff. It looks so bad, gets everywhere, and will make your hair so staticky you'll want to die. So when I heard about dry shampoo I was pumped to try it. To be completely honest I wasn't convinced the first time I used it but after a few times figuring it out, I can't imagine my life without it. Here's a few of my tips because tomorrow is Monday we all know we are not going to want to shower...

These are my two favorite brands but Bastiste is definitely the best. It's a little more expensive and harder to find but SO worth it.

Take the top section of your hair and hold it straight up. Shake the can really well then hold about 8 inches from your roots and spray for a few seconds. Make sure you get each side and the back.

Let your hair go, then twist it all up and clip it. You'll want to let it sit for a few minutes to absorb all the oil so I will usually do my makeup while it's clipped up.

  Then take the clip out, run your fingers through it, and you're ready to go. Seriously, it's that easy.

Wishing you all a Monday morning that's just a little easier.. Let me know how it goes!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Meet Milo.

Okay so I am going to be one of "those" people for a minute. Because it's National Puppy Day I thought it was only fitting that you meet Milo. So I need to preface this by saying that I have never been a dog person and up until a year and a half ago I thought I would be perfectly content to live my whole life without a pet. Well that changed so quickly and now I could never imagine my life without him. Here are a few of my favorite things about my little guy, Milo.

1. He is the most loving thing on the planet. He picks up on my mood so fast and if I am ever feeling down he knows to just lay in my lap and snuggle. It's the greatest. Also he always wants me to keep my hand on him when we go to sleep. (So sweet)
2. His middle name is Zac Efron and he's totally okay with it.
3. He is scared to death of our living room lamp.
4. He loves Chipotle chips almost as much as I love their tacos.
5. He chews up Menchies spoons. Not important things.
6. He still squats when he tinkles.
7. He wears a tag with flowers on it and doesn't even mind.
8. He acts really tough around dogs that could eat him in one bite.
9. He lets me brush his teeth with children's toothpaste and doesn't mind that I only buy him clearance treats.
10. He loves unconditionally and is happy to see me and Kate EVERYDAY! 

I love my little Meehow.

Sunday, March 22, 2015


So if any of you have talked to me in the last year I've probably said something about wanting to start a blog. Well, me being shy and a perfectionist I have put it off for SO long. I refused to publish anything until I had it completely perfect. Obviously if I waited for that nothing ever would have happened. So as I got thinking about it, I came to the conclusion that this blog is a lot like my life right now. There are so many things that I want to do and start but I hold myself back waiting for the perfect time, or until I have fixed a certain part of myself. How messed up is that though? Why not try it? 

That's what I have decided to do. I'm sure that as you look through my blog you will realize that there's not a lot to it yet and I have a lot unfinished. BUT I have always wanted to start a blog so today I did it. I may not have the most interesting posts or have perfect grammar but it's what I want to do. I know that it will get to the place I want eventually but I have to start for that to happen.

So here's to starting TODAY. Do something that you have always wanted to do. Try something, or tell someone that thing you've been wanting to tell them. It is so scary but I think in the long run we'll be happy that we did.