Thursday, August 25, 2016

Greetings from North Carolina

Holy cow. These last 3 months have been a total whirlwind. Yesterday marked 3 months that Robert and I have been married and I could not believe it. In some ways it feels like it has gone by really fast, but in other ways it feels like that was years ago.

We have officially moved homes to Durham, North Carolina and Robert is officially a Tarheel. (Side-note: what the crap is a tarheel and I'm not going to admit how long Kate and I discussed what it could be..) It took 4 days of about 9 hours of driving to get here and I just have to say that Rob's parents are not from this world. They drove out here with us and helped us get everything moved in. I have no idea what we would have done without them but I'm being completely literal when I say they are angels. We stopped in Denver the first day and went to a Rockies game and the next three were full of driving. It was a long drive but I actually ended up enjoying it a lot more than I thought.

Now we are here and into the routine of things which has left me with more free time than I am used to.  I picked up a job at the Nordstrom in an amazing mall out here but I won't be starting until October. So... I'm going to be a lot better about updating on everything that we are doing and just post more in general. (I know I have said that before.. but this time it's serious.)

The other night Rob and I decided that we would go and check out the main campus and it was incredible. UNC is actually the oldest public university in the country and started in 1795. The whole town of Chapel Hill has such a University feel and I love it!

As we were walking around we got talking about how much support we have felt from getting married and then moving across the country. Rob was saying how awesome it was to have so many people rooting for us and I just want to thank everybody. We seriously have been so blessed to have such incredible friends and family in our lives and I am beyond thankful.

Here are some pictures from our first few weeks here!

At the Rockies Game.

We went to the Durham Bulls Game

Wrightsville Beach. Also, I got a random package in the mail from Anthro.. What was it? This amazing swimsuit Kate got for me. She's unbelievable.

The Library at UNC. It's Incredible.

This is the icon of the school. There was a huge line of students waiting to drink out of the drinking fountain. People say that if you drink out of it on the first day of class you will get a 4.0. Obviously Rob doesn't need to drink out of a fountain for that.

Franklin Street. There are tons of college stores, restaurants, and bars on this cute little street. We will definitely be coming here a lot.

The squirrels here...

My first time seeing fireflies.. 

My love on the first day of school!