Thursday, January 14, 2016

Let's do this 2016!

Goodness. 2015 was a year full of so many changes. I have been thinking back a lot recently and is mind blowing to remember all that happened. I feel like this year has taught me more than most and I have been so blessed. To recap, here's some highlights:

-Moved to South Jordan
-Worked 2 jobs 
-Went to New York
-Started the blog
-Met my love
-He broke his ankle off
-We quit at Menchies
-Went on many needed trail walks and talks with my girl
-Baseball games
-Disneyland Round 1
-Went to New York.. again
-Ate lunch with Bray and saw Death Cab
-Disneyland Round 2
-Ran a 5k :)
-Got ENGAGED!! (I'll add the whole story soon)
-Skyped with Bray
-Moved again
I know I'm missing lots but you get the picture.

It's crazy to think about all that happened and it kind of freaks me out see how many changes we have gone through. This year is setting up to be full of even more changes but I'm ready to take it on. Kate and I have yet to go to our "Goal Setting Dinner" but until then, here is what I'm going to do to make 2016 an awesome year.

1. Slow Down and Chill Out. :)
2. Be more conscious of other people's feelings.
3. Keep things in perspective.
4. Focus on things that really matter.