Sunday, April 26, 2015

Foraging Apples

So I have this crazy weird obsession with apples. I seriously LOVE them. Well a few months ago I happened upon the most amazing thing EVER. I was walking through Smiths grocery store and there was this little shelf in the back corner that had all this bagged produce. As I got looking at it I found a bag of the most delicious apples. Here's the best part.. Every bag was only $.99! Of course I bought that and about 3 other bags and I have been hooked ever since. Because of this amazing little shelf I have tried so many different kinds of apples and I totally feel like an apple expert (I'm really not I just feel like it.).  I visited Smiths tonight and totally hit the discount produce shelf hard. So I was at the usual shelf just looking through all of the produce and it was all looking just a little too "ripe" as me and Kate say. So I'm feeling kind of bummed until Katy points out this cart down a dark hallway with TONS of our bagged apples on it. My first thought was if I was allowed to go back there but before I knew what was happening I was digging through the boxes and had my arms filled with bags of apples. When I finally pulled myself away Katy had left me and was down the cereal isle laughing at how excited I was. I know it's just apples, and to be completely honest they are the ones going bad.. but I love it. So if you're ever at Smiths you need to check it out. 
Also, I listed some awesome benefits to eating apples. This totally consoles me when I eat 3 in a row.. 

Happy Foraging!

Apple Eating Benefits:

1. Increases Endurance. Apples contain an antioxidant called querctin, which actually helps oxygen travel to your lungs more easily.
2. Whiten Teeth. Apples contain malic acid which is used in lots of teeth whitening products because of it's ability to dissolve stains.
3.Boost Immune System. Apples are known for being filled with vitamins. Vitamin C is definitely high on that list and we all know how good that is for the immune system.
4. Satisfy Cravings. I love sugar and apples are naturally sweet, PLUS they are low in calories and totally fat-free.
5.Fight Cancer. Apples contain compounds called triterpenoids, which may fight against certain cancers like liver, breast, and colon.
6. Improve Memory. Apples are believed to increase the production of acetylcholine(which is a neurotransmitter)so they may improve memory and lower your risk of Alzheimer’s.

Source: Health Benefits Of Eating Apples