Monday, December 28, 2015

The Best (and easiest) Winter Soup

 A couple of weeks ago me and Kate made the most amazing soup ever. Here's the best thing.. it was SO easy. I had to share the recipe because I can totally see it becoming a staple. We cut all of the vegetables up the night before we were making it and left them in the fridge. The next morning we just threw it all in the Crock-pot and left for work. When we came home our house smelled AMAZING and it honestly tasted so good. It was the perfect dinner for this time of year and way too easy. Seriously, just try it!!

Turkey and Vegetable Soup:

I lb cooked Turkey, shredded (you could use chicken too)
2 Cups Spinach
1 Onion, diced
5 Carrots, diced
1 meduim Parsnip, peeled and diced
2 medium Celery stalks, diced
2 Cups Sweet Potatoes, diced
1/2 Tbsp Basil
1/2 Tbsp Oregano
1- 6oz can Tomato Paste
4 Cups Chicken Stock

Put everything in the Crock-pot on high for 4 hours or low for 8 hours.

Recipe from

Thursday, December 3, 2015


Okay, so I am totally aware that I am awful at being consistent with my posts BUT I really do have good intentions so I hope I'll start being better about updating. 

I had the most wonderful Thanksgiving and the holidays are off to a wonderful start. Over the past couple of weeks I have been feeling so blessed and I wanted to share some of the things that I am particularly grateful for right now. I've been jotting down a couple things every morning and it is crazy how many things I have been blessed with. If you haven't tried it yet, I would totally suggest starting a gratitude journal. It has made my days so much happier and just given me a good perspective to start the day! So there are many more than just this, but here are 100 things I am especially grateful for right now.

1. A working car.
2. Space heaters.
3. Computers and the Internet
4. Lotion
5. My health and a body that has taken a lot of crap but still functions so well.
6. The health and safety of all my loved ones. Everyday.
7. Bad days- They help you appreciate the good ones so much more.
8. My awesome job. I love coming to work and the people that I work with. Like, it's embarrassing how much I love to work.
9. Sweet friends. Especially the ones that I get to talk to all the time.
10. Temples.
11. My twin sister. Like, I can't even do this one justice and she has to do with all of these things. She is the most incredible example to me and she loves me no matter what. I've never met someone who is as Christlike and giving as she is and who genuinely cares so deeply about others. She has taught and continues to teach me things everyday and I know that God knew I needed to come here with her. Man, I am so thankful to have her.
12. Vacations and trips. Okay, just traveling in general.
13. Music.
14. Nailpolish. 
15. Soda. It's SO not good for me but I really love it.
16. Pictures.
17. My sweet Brayden who is the greatest missionary ever! He has no idea how much he means to me and how much he helps me everyday.
18. Showers and good smelling soap.
19. Bleach.
20. My heat blanket.
21. Sitting on my couch with popcorn and Sugar Smash.
22. Laughing. Especially those times you can't stop and your stomach hurts and your makeup is running.
23. Kind people who are just sweet.
24. My Robert White who is literally the sweetest, most amazing boy there ever was. I never knew it was possible to find someone so perfect for me. He is seriously the funniest, most-thoughtful, incredible man out there and he came into my life exactly when I needed him. He has helped more than I could ever express.  Seriously though, so grateful for him.
25. Candy- Especially Sweet Tarts.
26. My Hair.
27. My phone, laptop, iPad.
28. A dad who would do anything for me and is always thinking about his family. He keeps us all on the right track and it's always very apparent how important it is to him that we will ALL be together for eternity. Also, he sends me spiritual thoughts EVERYDAY that keep me on track. He'll never know how much he means to me.
29. Online shopping. I love getting things in the mail.
30. The sweetest little dog on planet Earth. His spirit and love literally SAVED me.
31. Menchies- I had to.
32. Holidays and planning parties.
33. Planners and Calendars.
35. Pinterest.
36. Cute grandparents who I love more than anything and who are amazing examples to me.
37. Quotes that just help.
39. Art.
40. A house.
41. My education.
42. The most amazing mom there could ever be. Literally perfect. Not only is she my mom but she is my best friend. She has more patience than I thought was possible and she is the most positive person I know. She has gone through more in her life than anyone should have to and is honestly an angel. I want to be just like her.
43. Target, for when you just need to walk and look at cute things.
44. The Mountains.
45. Water.
46. My past. It has taught me so much already.
47. Jesus Christ. I need Him. Everyday. He understands those things that no one else does and He ALWAYS loves me.
48. Sheri Dew.
50. New York.
51. Plants and Flowers and Trees. Apples.. Gardens..
52. Christmas Lights.
53. Walks and Talks. Sometimes for hours.
54. My sweetest Ashlyn. She has been more of an example to me than any little sister should be and has made me laugh harder than anyone else. She is literally my best friend and has taught me how to have confidence in myself. She is incredible and means so much to me.
55. Peace.
56. Concerts and live music.
57. My testimony of the Gospel and it's saving Grace.
58. Zara.
59. My belief in Essential Oils. :) 
60. Washing Machines.
61. Sunrises.
62. Good food.
63. The most righteous 9 year-old brother there ever was. he has done more to keep me on the right track than anyone else. He is also the smartest, most tender, sweet, and creative kid I know. He is such an example to me and teaches me everyday.
64. The entire White family. Seriously. I don't know how people can be so good but they are all amazing and the most fun people to be around. Their family dynamic is unbelievable and I'm convinced they're angels. The more I know them the more I love them.
65. Medicine and Doctors.
66. Memories.
67. Diversity.
68. Chinese people. Everything about them.
70. The most amazing older brother who watches out for me from heaven and plays a part in my life EVERYDAY. I love and miss him and I would not be who I am without him.
71. Swimming.
72. Prayer.
73. Dancing.
74. 4:00 in the morning when I can just think.
75. My dear friend who has had some of the most difficult trials but rises above them and stays so strong. She has the most amazing spirit and has kept me convinced that one day I'll love visiting teaching. She is so caring and been the most amazing older sister I never had.
76. Dr. Haderlie.
77. A loving Heavenly Father with a plan and a timeline.
78. Hand sanitizer.
79. Lists.
80. My friend Sara who shared all High school drama with me and will ALWAYS be my friend no matter how long it's been since we've seen each other.
81. Candles and good smelling things.
82. Seasons.
83. Experiences that have taught me to be understanding.
84. My sweet friend who I get to talk to almost everyday and I've who been able to share more with than most. She has taught me to voice how I feel about things that we can make it through anything. She understands things about me that most don't and she is just a good human. :) She is always an example to me and shares a love of pizza, flowers, and popcorn.
85. Good books.
86. Wayne Dyer.
87. The Sun and warmth.
88. Funny people.
89. My Neighbor Jane who is the strongest woman. She has taught me the most important principles of life and follows her heart. I dream of being just like her.
90. Blanket scarves.
91. All the dear people in my life. I have so many sweet friends and family I wish I could write them all individually.
92. T.V. Shows.
93. The Plan of Salvation.
94. My cousin Chelsi who just feel really close to and who I love. She is kind and so true.
95. Living in the United States.
96. My siblings playing in a bagpipe band. They are so cool.
97. Walmart. Because we all know we need it.
98. Sewing.
99. Tears and emotion.
100. Bad times that make me appreciate the good times.

There are so many more things and I know I will be thinking of more I wish I would have listed here. Man, life is good.