Thursday, September 1, 2016

Easy Quinoa Tacos!

Okay guys, you all have to try this recipe these tacos were AMAZING. I could not believe how easy it was and how good they tasted. If you aren't sold enough it's freezer friendly, vegetarian, and gluten free. Try it out and let me know what you think.

Crockpot Quinoa Tacos:

Put all the ingredients in your crockpot on high for 3 hours (or until the quinoa pops). This recipe needs to be cooked on high or it gets pretty mushy. It can be eaten in taco's, a burrito, or even served over chips or lettuce. We topped ours with Avocado, lime juice, and cilantro.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Greetings from North Carolina

Holy cow. These last 3 months have been a total whirlwind. Yesterday marked 3 months that Robert and I have been married and I could not believe it. In some ways it feels like it has gone by really fast, but in other ways it feels like that was years ago.

We have officially moved homes to Durham, North Carolina and Robert is officially a Tarheel. (Side-note: what the crap is a tarheel and I'm not going to admit how long Kate and I discussed what it could be..) It took 4 days of about 9 hours of driving to get here and I just have to say that Rob's parents are not from this world. They drove out here with us and helped us get everything moved in. I have no idea what we would have done without them but I'm being completely literal when I say they are angels. We stopped in Denver the first day and went to a Rockies game and the next three were full of driving. It was a long drive but I actually ended up enjoying it a lot more than I thought.

Now we are here and into the routine of things which has left me with more free time than I am used to.  I picked up a job at the Nordstrom in an amazing mall out here but I won't be starting until October. So... I'm going to be a lot better about updating on everything that we are doing and just post more in general. (I know I have said that before.. but this time it's serious.)

The other night Rob and I decided that we would go and check out the main campus and it was incredible. UNC is actually the oldest public university in the country and started in 1795. The whole town of Chapel Hill has such a University feel and I love it!

As we were walking around we got talking about how much support we have felt from getting married and then moving across the country. Rob was saying how awesome it was to have so many people rooting for us and I just want to thank everybody. We seriously have been so blessed to have such incredible friends and family in our lives and I am beyond thankful.

Here are some pictures from our first few weeks here!

At the Rockies Game.

We went to the Durham Bulls Game

Wrightsville Beach. Also, I got a random package in the mail from Anthro.. What was it? This amazing swimsuit Kate got for me. She's unbelievable.

The Library at UNC. It's Incredible.

This is the icon of the school. There was a huge line of students waiting to drink out of the drinking fountain. People say that if you drink out of it on the first day of class you will get a 4.0. Obviously Rob doesn't need to drink out of a fountain for that.

Franklin Street. There are tons of college stores, restaurants, and bars on this cute little street. We will definitely be coming here a lot.

The squirrels here...

My first time seeing fireflies.. 

My love on the first day of school!

Sunday, July 10, 2016





Monday, June 27, 2016

Let's Get Real (China Style)

Last night I was laying in bed wide awake and feeling pretty bad for myself. I got my wisdom teeth out last week and had a few complications, so this was the third night in a row that I just could not fall asleep. I went out to the couch and started thinking about all the different things that I was stressed about and how I wanted to fix them but didn't know how. I somehow got to thinking about how it had been almost four years since I had left to live in China  and I started remembering random experiences that Katy and I had while living there. Before too long I could not believe how many things I had forgotten and how much I needed to remember the things that were really important. Here are the things that I want to remember from those amazing experiences.

1. We really can do anything that we want to do.
One of the most amazing feelings I have ever had was being on the Great Wall and feeling so proud of myself. When Katy brought up the idea of going to China to teach English for 6 months I never thought that it would be something I could do. It sounded like an awesome experience but it was way too crazy for me. When Katy talked to me about it and we made the decision that we were going to go, I never looked back. While sitting on the Great Wall I remember having the thought that we can do ANYTHING that we want to do. It will often take a lot of work but that moment when you get there it is the most amazing feeling in the world.

2. Things don't make you happy, people do.

This was something that I learned the first night I got to China.  When we got to our apartment it was filthy and there were cockroaches everywhere. In the middle of our room there was a pot of rice with a spoon in it and a bag of bread. I remember not knowing how I was going to live in this for the next 6 months. What I soon figured out was that my happiness was not influenced by the THINGS I had at all. We had 2 beds, a dresser, a fridge, and a hot plate and I have never been happier in my life. Everything was simplified and I loved it. All of our neighbors had at least 7 people living in the same size apartment Katy and I were in and they were some of the happiest people I have ever met.

3. It's best to just laugh.

There were so many random things that happened to us on a daily basis. I have so many stories because every time we left our apartment something weird happened to us. Whether we were being sung to in the middle of the street by a Chinese boy band, or being dropped off in the middle of no where at 3:00 AM, we just had to laugh. Not taking things so seriously and looking for the humor in situations literally changed my life.

4. I am happiest when I am serving others.

Chinese kindergartners are some of the wildest children you will ever come across. Almost everyday my voice was gone when I got done teaching. It would be so hard to be patient sometimes but then they would come over and say "I love you Teacha" and you couldn't help but want to spend the rest of the day with them. It felt amazing to volunteer each day teaching them and taking care of them. When we went to the baby classes it was incredible to see how much love these little babies needed and how much they responded to my love for them. I'm totally convinced that these children served me much more than I served them.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Life Happened..

Well, being that I haven't posted in about 2 months I thought I would give some updates on what has taken place over the last 60 days. It has been quite a whirlwind of life events. Here's the highlights:

-Robert graduated from UVU with his bachelors degree in Marketing. Not only that but he KILLED it in his competitions. Honestly I can't keep up with him.

-Kate, Ashlyn, and I went on a sister's trip to St. George for the weekend. Having best friends as sisters is the greatest and I don't think I have ever laughed so hard in one weekend, ever.

-I got my eyelashes done and never knew I could love something so much in my life. If you haven't tried eyelashes yet you NEED to try them. It makes getting ready so much easier and it is so relaxing to get done. I go to the cutest girl up in South Jordan and I recommend her to everyone. She is so professional, and does an amazing job! The link to her website is here.

-Oh, and I GOT MARRIED! I had the most amazing wedding day in the world. It was literally a dream come true. I'll do a separate post when I get pictures back of course, but it was amazing. Robert and I went on our honeymoon in Cancun and it was incredible. We visited Chichen Itza, went snorkeling, and just relaxed. We stayed in an all-inclusive resort and that was definitely the way to do it. They had an amazing pool, private beach, and the view from our room was incredible. I think that one of my favorite parts was every night after dinner we would get an ice cream cone and then go for a walk along the beach. It was the best and I'll never forget it.

Married life has been great so far and I am so excited to see all the things that are in store for us. We have a busy summer before moving out of state. I can't wait to fill you all in on all the craziness!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Birthday Weekend

Kate and I are officially 24! It was our golden birthday this year so we decided that we would take a quick trip down to California for the weekend. Things got crazy before we left, so it ended up being really nice to get away for a couple days.

We went to Disneyland, which is always a good time, and got caught up on some much needed sleep. If you know Katy and I, we are all about packing light. This Vooray bag was perfect for the quick weekend getaway. There was plenty of room for everything that I needed and I loved that it had a shoulder strap. I can't wait to use it more this summer. If you are looking for a perfect go-to bag, get yours here. They are a local company and I literally want everything on their site!