Sunday, March 22, 2015


So if any of you have talked to me in the last year I've probably said something about wanting to start a blog. Well, me being shy and a perfectionist I have put it off for SO long. I refused to publish anything until I had it completely perfect. Obviously if I waited for that nothing ever would have happened. So as I got thinking about it, I came to the conclusion that this blog is a lot like my life right now. There are so many things that I want to do and start but I hold myself back waiting for the perfect time, or until I have fixed a certain part of myself. How messed up is that though? Why not try it? 

That's what I have decided to do. I'm sure that as you look through my blog you will realize that there's not a lot to it yet and I have a lot unfinished. BUT I have always wanted to start a blog so today I did it. I may not have the most interesting posts or have perfect grammar but it's what I want to do. I know that it will get to the place I want eventually but I have to start for that to happen.

So here's to starting TODAY. Do something that you have always wanted to do. Try something, or tell someone that thing you've been wanting to tell them. It is so scary but I think in the long run we'll be happy that we did. 


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