Wednesday, September 23, 2015

A New York Minute

This last week me and Katy went on the most amazing trip to New York. We planned the trip clear back in April when we saw that Death Cab was playing at Madison Square Garden with Explosions in the Sky. It was one of the best trips that I have ever been on and it could not have come at a better time.

The week before we left it was the Doterra Global Convention. This is one of the busiest times of the year for us at work and this year was definitely no different. We had 27,000 people attending and had events in both the Energy Solutions Arena and Salt Palace.

So not only was this an insane week as far as work goes buuuuut Katy and I both got our purses stolen from the area where we were working. After putting in a 16 hour workday, we went back to the employee area to pick up our things so we could finally leave and both of our bags were no where to be found. After a couple hours of phone calls, searching, and talking to security we were able to get on the bus home with just my phone and debit card that I had luckily kept with me.

I was surprised that the bus ride home was actually really good for me and I was pretty much over the whole ordeal by the time we got back.

We were leaving for New York the next night and had to work all that day but my parents were so helpful and got us new car keys made and took us to the airport. We later found out that because of the security cameras they were able to catch the homeless guy that had snuck into the Convention center and stole our purses.

New York was just what we needed after that whole mess and we honestly had the greatest time. Here are a few of the highlights. Fashion week was happening while we were there as well and we were able to attend a couple of the pre-shows. I'm going to be sharing some of the Fall style trends that I saw later this week, so stay tuned for that.

Times Square

 St. Patrick's Cathedral on 5th Avenue

 Grand Central Station

Lunch with Elder Richards in New Rochelle

 Morning stroll through Central Park

 Waiting for Les Miserables on Broadway

 Manhattan LDS Temple

Death Cab for Cutie at Madison Square Garden 

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